Over 1,550 people attended our first fully virtual Forum focused on racialized trauma and tools for healing.
“This felt like the most authentic, space making, and leaning in to work around child well-being that I’ve been to. So grateful for every speaker and panel. It’s usually easy to pick one person in a forum, who held your attention, but everyone brought their depth of thought, experience, and adaptability instead of lecturing.” ~ 2021 Forum participant.
Our February Forum brought together nearly 1200 people – at the Convention Center and virtually across the country – to learn about community trauma and healing.
The concept of community trauma is particularly relevant as we face a public health situation that creates disproportionate hardship for communities facing poverty and other systemic inequities.
With the goal of engaging different sectors of the community to learn, connect and work together on issues related to child abuse and neglect, the 2019 NWCF Forum focusing on community trauma and child well-being drew in more than 900 people via webstream and in person at the Washington State Convention Center on January 31.
Please enjoy these slides and resources and the video of the 2019 NWCF Forum.
And here is keynote speaker Dr. Shawn Ginwright’s Healing Centered Organization Assessment, which helps evaluate readiness for an implementation of this strengths-based approach.
The 2018 NWCF Forum focusing on infant and early childhood trauma drew in more than 800 people via webstream and in person at the Washington State Convention Center on February 6.
Here is access to a free webinar on stress and trauma in children from Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen, keynote speaker of the NWCF Forum. Through story and metaphor, she shares common reactions to stress and talks about ways we can support healing and recovery:
Here are some additional helpful resources on infant and early childhood trauma:
Zero to Three: Resources and practical tools for parents, professionals and policymakers.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Resources and research on child traumatic stress.
Child-Parent Psychotherapy: Facebook community for CPP therapists, providers and families.
NWCF hosted a Community Conversation with Jorge Barón and Dr. Michael McNeil on May 22, 2017. Please enjoy the Powerpoint presentation and video from our discussion about the children and families impacted by the immigration climate in our community today.
“Immigration Policy & Childhood Adversity” PowerPoint Presentation
At the NWCF Forum on January 31, 2017, Dr. Linda Chamberlain shared insights into the unique characteristics of the adolescent brain. Approximately 450 parents and youth-serving individuals – from schools, universities, nonprofits, courts, health care and more – gathered to learn how brain development influences the way adolescents experience and behave in the world. Please enjoy the Powerpoint presentation, article and video from the Forum.
Resources from past forums:
2016 NWCF Forum: Childhood Trauma and Toxic Stress: Effective Brain-Based Strategies to Build Resiliency
2016 Forum Video
2016 Forum PowerPoint Deck
Childhood Trauma and Toxic Stress: NWCF Forum Highlights Essential Resilience-Building Work
2015 NWCF Forum: Childhood Adversity and the Developing Brain – Using Neuroscience to Inform Effective Interventions
2015 Forum Video
2015 Forum PowerPoint Deck
Childhood Adversity and the Developing Brain: Newest Brain Science Digs Deeper into ACEs
Additional Reading & Videos
Trauma and the Brain Handout & Tips
How Brains are Built: The Core Story of Brain Development
TED Talk: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime (Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris)